promotional offer for newly registered organizers of cultural events
Zaregistrujte se do 30. dubna 2024 jako nový pořadatel a získejte balíček nadstandardních výhod ZDARMA. Register as a new host by April 30, 2024 and get a FREE premium benefits package.
1000 pieces of organizer wristbands
Inclusion of your event in our Newsletter - 20,000 subscribers
1x Promotion on Facebook QR Ticket
1x Promotion on Instagram QR Ticket
Marketing consultancy
Until 30.04.2024
Register for FREE
Create your own event
Connect your pre-sale with social networks
Start selling tickets
Check-in tickets with a QR code can be downloaded in our app
Free for both iOS and Android.
Collect money!
We pay within 3 working days after the end of the event!!!
QR Ticket Technique
We supply event organizers with the necessary equipment such as lights, sound, podiums, fences, mobile toilets and other necessary equipment to ensure the smooth running of concerts, theaters, festivals, etc. Make a non-binding inquiry today. We will contact you as soon as possible.